1 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) To Chinese Yuan (CNY)

1 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) To Chinese Yuan (CNY)

1 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) = 0.21 Chinese Yuan (CNY)

1 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.21 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
25 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 5.31 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
80 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 17.01 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
130 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 27.64 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
330 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 70.16 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
798 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 169.65 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
2000 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 425.19 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
5000 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 1,062.98 Chinese Yuan (CNY)
500000 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 106,298 Chinese Yuan (CNY)

Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) – Chinese Yuan (CNY) – 2021 Exchange Rate

Month Highest Rate (MYR to CNY) Lowest Rate (MYR to CNY) Average Rate (MYR to CNY)
January 1 MYR = 1.6129 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5033 CNY 1 MYR = 1.6025 CNY
February 1 MYR = 1.6001 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5887 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5964 CNY
March 1 MYR = 1.5945 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
April 1 MYR = 1.5946 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
May 1 MYR = 1.5887 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
June 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
July 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
August 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
September 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
October 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
November 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5904 CNY
December 1 MYR = 1.5863 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5018 CNY 1 MYR = 1.5574 CNY

1 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) To Chinese Yuan (CNY)

Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Stats Wiki

Name Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Symbol RM
Minor Unit 1/100 = Sen
Banknotes Freq. Used: RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM50, RM100; Rarely used: RM2 (still legal tender); Commemorative: RM60, RM600
Coins Freq. Used: 5, 10, 20, 50 sen; Rarely used: 1 sen (still legal tender)
Central Bank Central Bank of Malaysia
Central Bank Website Central Bank of Malaysia
Inflation 3.38% (2022)
Issuance Royal Mint of Malaysia
Pegged with
Exchange Rate

Chinese Yuan (CNY) Stats Wiki

Name Chinese Yuan
Symbol ¥
Minor Unit 1/100 = Fen
Central Bank Rate
Top CNY Conversion CNY/USD
Top CNY Chart CNY to GBP
CNY Profile

CNY Profile:

Inflation 2.5% (2017)
Coins Freq Used: ¥0.1, ¥0.5, ¥1
Banknotes Freq Used: ¥1, ¥5, ¥10, ¥20, ¥50, ¥100
Rarely Used ¥0.01, ¥0.02, ¥0.05
Central Bank People’s Bank of China
Website www.pbc.gov.cn

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