1 Peso Philippine (PHP) To Thai Baht (THB)

1 Philippine Peso (PHP) To Thai Baht (THB)

1 Pesos (PHP) = 0.64 Thai Baht (THB)

1 Pesos (PHP) 0.64 Thai Baht (THB)
12 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 7.69 Thai Baht (THB)
50 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 32.05 Thai Baht (THB)
85 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 54.49 Thai Baht (THB)
499 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 319.88 Thai Baht (THB)
750 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 480.78 Thai Baht (THB)
1290 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 641.04 Thai Baht (THB)
4230 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 2,711.61 Thai Baht (THB)
792000 Philippine Pesos (PHP) 507,705.26 Thai Baht (THB)

1 Philippine Peso (PHP) To Thai Baht (THB)

Thai Baht (THB) Stats Wiki

Name Thai Baht
Symbol ฿
Minor Unit 1/100 = Satang
Central Bank Rate 2.5%
Top THB Conversion THB/USD
Top THB Chart THB to GBP
THB Profile

THB Profile:

Inflation 1.0%
Coins Freq Used: 25, 50 satang, ฿1, ฿2, ฿5, ฿10
Banknotes Freq Used: ฿20, ฿50, ฿100, ฿500, ฿1000
Rarely Used 1, 5, 10 satang
Central Bank Bank of Thailand
Website www.bot.or.th

Philippine Pesos (PHP) Stats Wiki

Name Philippine Peso
Minor Unit 1/100 = Sentimo
Banknotes Freq Used ₱20, ₱50, ₱100, ₱500, ₱1000
Rarely Used Banknotes ₱200
Coins Freq Used ₱1, ₱5, ₱10, ₱20
Rarely Used Coins 1¢, 5¢, 25¢
Central Bank Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Website www.bsp.gov.ph
Inflation 4.9%

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