1 SGD Singapore Dollar To Philippine Pesos (PHP)

If we want to know how much 1 Singapore Dollar is worth in Philippine Peso (PHP), the method is quite easy. We need to know the latest exchange rate, then just multiply it by the number of dollars we have. For example, if 1 SGD = 43.11 PHP, and we have 2 SGD, then the result is 43.11 x 2 = 86.22 PHP.

1 WON South Korea To Philippine Pesos (PHP) 1 SGD Singapore Dollar To Philippine Pesos (PHP)

1 SGD Singapore Dollar = 0.04 Philippine Pesos (PHP)

1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 41.63 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
25 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 1,040.76 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
50 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 2,081.52 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
100 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 4,163.04 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
250 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 10,407.60 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
500 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 20,815.20 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
1,000 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 41,630.40 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
5,000 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 208,152 Philippine Pesos (PHP)
10,000 Singapore Dollar (SGD) 416,304 Philippine Pesos (PHP)

1 WON South Korea To Philippine Pesos (PHP) 1 SGD Singapore Dollar To Philippine Pesos (PHP)

Singapura Dolar (SGD) Stats Wiki

Attribute Details
Name Singapore Dollar
Symbol $
Minor Unit 1/100 = Cent
Top Conversion INR/SGD
Top Chart INR/SGD Chart
Inflation 5.2%
Nicknames Sing
Coins Freq Used: $1, S¢5, S¢10, S¢20, S¢50
Rarely Used: S¢1
Banknotes Freq Used: $2, $5, $10, $50
Rarely Used: $1, $20, $25, $100, $500, $1000, $10000
Central Bank Monetary Authority of Singapore
Website http://www.mas.gov.sg

Philippine Pesos (PHP) Stats Wiki

Name Philippine Peso
Minor Unit 1/100 = Sentimo
Banknotes Freq Used ₱20, ₱50, ₱100, ₱500, ₱1000
Rarely Used Banknotes ₱200
Coins Freq Used ₱1, ₱5, ₱10, ₱20
Rarely Used Coins 1¢, 5¢, 25¢
Central Bank Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Website www.bsp.gov.ph
Inflation 4.9%

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