1 United States Dollar (USD) To Indian Rupees (INR)

1 United States Dollar (USD) To Indian Rupees (INR)

1 United States Dollar (USD) = 83.33 Indian Rupees (INR)

1 United States Dollar (USD) 83.33 Indian Rupees (INR)
25 United States Dollars (USD) 2,083.33 Indian Rupees (INR)
40 United States Dollars (USD) 3,333.32 Indian Rupees (INR)
106 United States Dollars (USD) 8,833.31 Indian Rupees (INR)
1070 United States dollars (USD) 89,166.42 Indian Rupees (INR)
4123 United States Dollars (USD) 343,582.37 Indian Rupees (INR)
8980 United States Dollars (USD) 748,331.24 Indian rupees (INR)
11612 United States Dollars (USD) 967,663.96 Indian rupees (INR)
20000 United States Dollars (USD) 1,666,662 Indian Rupees (INR)

United States Dollars (USD) – Indian Rupee (INR) – 2019 Exchange Rate

Month Highest Rate (USD to INR) Lowest Rate (USD to INR) Average Rate (USD to INR)
January 1 USD = 72.170 INR 1 USD = 68.378 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
February 1 USD = 71.383 INR 1 USD = 69.950 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
March 1 USD = 70.980 INR 1 USD = 69.550 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
April 1 USD = 70.373 INR 1 USD = 69.550 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
May 1 USD = 70.373 INR 1 USD = 69.550 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
June 1 USD = 69.950 INR 1 USD = 68.378 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
July 1 USD = 69.950 INR 1 USD = 68.378 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
August 1 USD = 71.383 INR 1 USD = 69.550 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
September 1 USD = 71.383 INR 1 USD = 69.550 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
October 1 USD = 71.383 INR 1 USD = 69.950 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
November 1 USD = 71.383 INR 1 USD = 70.373 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR
December 1 USD = 71.383 INR 1 USD = 70.373 INR 1 USD = 70.414 INR

1 United States Dollar (USD) To Indian Rupees (INR)

United States Dollar (USD) Stats Wiki

Name United States Dollar (USD)
Symbol $
Minor Unit 1/100 = Cent
Banknotes Freq. Used: $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100
Coins Freq. Used: 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢
Rarely Used $2
Central Bank Federal Reserve
Central Bank Website Federal Reserve
Inflation 3.2% or 2.5%
Issuance Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printer Website Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Mint United States Mint
Mint Website United States Mint
Pegged by Various currencies

Indian Rupee (INR) Stats Wiki

Name Indian Rupee (INR)
Minor Unit 1/100 = Paisa
Banknotes Freq. Used: ₹10, ₹20, ₹50, ₹100, ₹200, ₹500; Rarely used: ₹1, ₹2, ₹5
Coins Freq. Used: ₹1, ₹2, ₹5, ₹10; Rarely used: 50p, ₹20
Central Bank Reserve Bank of India
Central Bank Website Reserve Bank of India
Inflation 5.02% (October 2023)
Issuance Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited
Printer Website SPMCIL
Mint India Government Mint
Mint Website India Government Mint
Pegged by Bhutanese ngultrum (at par), Nepalese rupee (higher value)

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